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I can never remember were to find the documentation for a particular compiler version. So here is a cheat sheet.


  • List of all GCC releases

  • Documentation for the latest version of GCC

  • The URLs for a particular GCC version follow this pattern:

    major.minor is the version you are interested in. Note that the z component is always 0. For example, if you want to open the docs for GCC 13.2.1, the version string you need is 13.2.0.

    Below is a quick-and-dirty link generator. It ensures the correct z component, but does not do any additional checks. You may end up with non-existing links. Simply enter the major.minor version. The links are generated on the fly.

    Links for that version: main doc, general warnings, C++ warnings


  • List of all Clang releases

  • Documentation for the latest version of Clang

  • The URLS for a particular Clang version follow this pattern:

    major.minor is the version you are interested in. Note that the third version component is always 0. For example, if you want to open the docs for Clang 3.9.1, the version string you need is 3.9.0.

    Below is a quick-and-dirty link generator. It ensures the correct z component, but does not do any additional checks. You may end up with non-existing links. Simply enter the major.minor version. The links are generated on the fly.

    Links for that version: main doc, warnings


Microsoft handles documentation differently. They have a dropdown list for the compiler version in the left sidebar, which defaults to the latest version.
